Sunday, May 3, 2009

Long Break

It's been a long while since I've posted. Mostly because I've been busy, and too lazy to jot down my mileage or workout stuff. My right knee is still bugging me, so I haven't ran for two weeks. It has shifted from my ITB to the proximal attachment of my right gastroc.

I just finished a week of leave before our deployment in a month. It was awesome! Charles and I went to the Big Island of Hawaii for a few days. Did some volcano stuff, black sand beaches, refuge camp, the southern most point in the US, horseback ride through a spectacular valley, snorkeled off the Kona coast, watched dolphins and sea turtles from a boat, and drove up to the best observatory location in the world, Muana Kea.

Today, a large group of people from the Navy Band and a couple civilians went skydiving. It was incredible! The most intense rush of my life! I'm addicted.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

All Mixed Up

Yesterday, Taylor and I exercised earlier than normal due to a noon-o-clock rehearsal. At 10 am, I took him through 800m intervals at his goal pace for the PRT next week. 10:08 for 1.5 miles, so roughly 3:23.3 per half mile.
After almost a mile warm up, we ran 3 800's with 1:30 jog in between. He did great! The first interval was a bit fast, 3:13. The next, and bit slow: 3:25. The last, solid: 3:22. He was getting tired, but felt like he could do one more. Perfect! Another almost mile cool down, then PT. I felt good in the run...nice cool down from the race on Saturday. Thanks for the encouragement and positive comments regarding my previous post. I sometimes forget why I run.

For PT, we were going to start the push up overload workout but decided to wait until after Taylor takes the test. So we did the 11 mixed up push ups with an equal number of Atomic Sit ups.
Felt pretty good. The one arms are actually beginning to look like real push ups!
After a moment of rest, we did a descending pyramid of pull ups, 15, 10, 5. Felt okay.

Run ~3 miles
Push ups: 110
Sit ups: 110
Pull ups: 30


In response to an inquiry about modified pull ups, I'll explain:
Usually, beginners/females initially lack the upper body strength to do a proper pull up. To encourage improvement and similar workload, the modified pull up makes it possible to work the same muscles in a slightly different fashion.

The Modified Pull Up:
Using a short pull up bar, or a single dip bar, place hands in a regular grip position (palms away), and walk you feet forward until your body is at an angle, resting on your heels, but letting your arms support most of your weight. Straighten arms to lower body, then pull up until chin touches or passes slightly above bar. Lower. Repeat.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ford Island

10K race today. We started on the Ford Island bridge, ran around the island, crossed the bridge again, then finished on a soccer field just outside the gate. It was a cool course because the bridge is hilly, the island is flat, and I got to see more of it that I do on gigs.

That said, it sucked. I felt horrible! The lack of running has finally caught up. I'm not even close to the racing shape I'd like to be in, and I'm making novice mistakes. For example, the first mile, I was running with a group of Navy guys, until I realized they were the ones who dominated the Aloha Run. 43:00 and change compared to my 52:00. With that realization, I knew I couldn't keep up, so I slowed down. But it was too late, I'd already ran the first mile WAY too fast. The rest of the race, I was just trying to maintain an even stride so I wouldn't die.

I sound like little kid, but there was a strong headwind, which helped cool me off (it was hot), and slowed me down at the same time. You win some, you lose some. Enough complaining.

The last mile, I finally started feeling smooth. I love rolling hills because it gives me a reason to focus and push rather than just cruising on flats. Remember the country hills in Lincoln just past 84th and Leighton? I'd always do tempos and LT's faster there than on Murdock. Hills man. Good stuff. Plus, I had to be strong for this other Navy guy who was fading. As I passed him, I told him to keep up and finish with me, so he jumped right on my heels and stayed there. People helping people.

So, although I may be a whiny bitch today, I'll train harder and rock the next one.

5:47, 5:58, 6:33, 6:41, 6:45, 6:50, :55


We went hiking this afternoon. Dragon's Nostril. We all got wet. It was awesome.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I ended a fast of running today. Hadn't really run since Sunday. Biked to work and stuff, but didn't run. Today was the mock PFA for the running group. Since I'm a Command Fitness Leader, I administered the test. Thus, didn't get to do the "workout."

At lunch, I ran 6 miles alone. It was nice and hot, and with the 10K coming up Saturday, figured I should do some quick running. After a mile warm up, I ran the next 4 miles alternating between 3:00 on, 2:00 off. The on pace was at or a bit faster than a 6:00 mile each time. Was able to fit 6 intervals within the four miles. The last recovery tied into the last mile of the run. Overall, felt pretty good. The legs were sluggish at first, but quickly remembered how to go fast. The last three quick intervals were kind of painful due to a massive side stitch. I'd forgotten how bad those hurt. Damn them. Damn the stitch.

7:52, 6x3:00 on, 2:00 off, last 2:00 was really 0:22, then 8:04
Total: 44:23

Faster on Saturday. Must go faster.


On a side note, or actually, a front and center note, I had my first real interview today and kicked ass! The Captain was most impressed with my intellect and appearance. It pays to run!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Today Taylor and Karl joined me at lunch, and Meredith tagged along again. Bryan, in addition to recovering from ITBS is undergoing physical therapy for his right shoulder. A few months ago he re-injured an old injury, and like any regular guy, kept exercising and surfing with it. He has taken the last two weeks off and should be able to join again next week.

Today's beat down added dips to the pyramid. Thus, each set consists of a certain number of pull ups, double push ups, triple sit ups, and the dips equaled push ups.
This sucked. I'm still working at getting comfortable again with the regular pyramid, even without the extra set of 10 at the top. Adding dips made this even more hurtful. But we pushed through.

Karl is getting better at pull ups! He started doing regular ones, which used to be impossible a month ago, and switched to modified on about set 6 going up. Meredith did modified pull ups (I explained to her that it's a better workout than just bouncing off the ground for each rep), as well as modified dips. I was proud of her effort again, but this second expedition proved too overwhelming again as she started cutting back reps at my advice, and tapped out at the top. Good showing though! As I mentioned before, she used to fake illness to get out of PT, and is now willing to at least try my workouts.

Taylor is a beast at dips. He pushed through more than I, until he got nauseous and almost puked. I suppose it might be a mental competition. Since I've done this longer, I suppose I can tell when my body is simply complaining, or if it's on the verge of breakdown. When my triceps and the attachment point of my traps at the base of the skull were REALLY screaming on the top set, I dropped off, shook them out, then did the last two. Taylor kicked ass and pushed all the way through. On rung 9 coming down, he took a time out. No worries. Better to take a break than kill yourself. He jumped back in at 6 and was careful coming back down.

Similar story for Karl. He got dizzy, took a break, got some water, and jumped in at 5.

Similar story for me. I could feel a headache/dizziness coming on after the top. So I just took longer breaks and payed closer attention to how each rep felt.

MVPs for all!

100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Sit ups
200 Dips


Everyone was too tired to run, so I trust them to do it on their own tonight.
Bryan came over after work and did some pool running with me again. We did a 10 minute warm up, then 3 on, 2 off, twice. Then a cool down and some underwater stuff.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Slept in 'til 10:00. Awesome!
Got up, ate some of the quiche I made yesterday morning. It is kick-ass.
Had a banana and some juice. Played some Mafia Wars on Facebook. Read some "Timeline," by Michael Crichton.

Was planning on going for an 8 miler, but two miles in, my knee pained. Took a moment to stretch, and had no further problems. However, decided to only go 6. Same route as yesterday.

7:43, 7:40, 7:41, 7:41, 7:38, 7:37

Nice even splits!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Nice and Steady

Good weather today. No surprise there, though. Same weather as any other day.

Ran a steady 6 on the trail about 3/4 mile from my place.
Felt pretty good. Passed some natives fishing of the bridge, some homeless in the park, some factory workers at the plant, and some other runners/bikers/walkers on the trail. It's always fun passing bikers when I'm only running 7:40s.

In the fourth mile, out of nowhere, my right knee had some sharp pains. This time it felt more like the hamstring attachments than the IT band. Not sure what's up there. Might go to physical therapy after the race next Saturday.

8:13, 7:37, 7:38, 7:29, 7:01, 7:48

Happy weekend to all.