Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Taylor and I were the only ones to PT today. We did the various pushups thing Charles showed me online.

11 various (explosive, explosive staggered, one-armed, dive-bombers, hand-tap, side-tap, rotational, alligator, elevated, shuffle, spidermans)

During breaks, I was telling Taylor about a couple other variations I used to do. So we tossed in two more sets. Tigers, and core. For Tigers, try and get your hands as close to your hips as possible in doing pushups. Core, raise alternate legs on each pushup.

Finished with 10, 5 Pullups, and 20, 10 Dips

Totals: 130 Pushups
15 Pullups
30 Dips

Karl came out for the running workout. I just kind of made it up since our track is weird (about 740m)

half mile warmup
then four laps of sprinting straights and jogging curves.

Taylor has the heart of a Lion! He's mentally tougher than many runners I've trained with through high school and college. He's not naturally talented, and isn't in competitive shape, but he never gives up. I actually had to slow down and hold back so that he'd stop giving effort trying to catch me. What a guy!

Karl is trying. I can tell he hates running fast. He's in it more for the base level of fitness than competitive improvement. Outstanding musician, but bull-headed. Doesn't listen to my advice. ;-) Adjusting his stride would help him with efficiency, as would giving the workout a chance. Oh well.


Abby said...

Who knew there were so many pushups?! More evidence that gyms are a waste of time and money. Keep it "simple".

740m? How'd that happen?

Ben said...

Those are the kind of people best to workout with.

You've found a nice group of hardcore guys to workout with.

Anton said...

740m? Good question. They saw some space. They filled it up. Dumb idea. Should've just build 2 400m tracks. There's more than enough room.
