Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wind and Pool

Wind is bipolar. When running, it's nice. When biking, it's evil. I don't like biking to and from work because no matter which way I turn, I'm always headed into the wind. Yesterday, for example, I rode the same route as usual. My average speed on base is usually 19.5 mph, 25 mph by the stadium, 17.5 up the hill, and 30 down the hill. This time, though, it was 12 on base, and 15 by the stadium. I was pedaling harder than normal, yet cars were flying by. Speed limit on base is 30, and is supposed to be 35 on the hwy, but everyone goes 45-50. Scary in the wind.

I jumped in the pool rather than running today. 30 minutes of treading water. Felt awesome!
Then I did some drown-proofing. That's where you hold your hands behind your back, exhale until you hit the bottom of the pool, push off, take a breath, repeat. (Actually, you're supposed to have your hands and feet tied).


Ben said...

I remember those pool exercises. Those were excellent workouts.
Glad the aqua-jog went well.

Yes, wind is no fun. It is unpredictable, bothersome, and not very beneficial. Unless we had more wind turbines crankin' out energy wind would be better if it stayed away.

Abby said...

I don't like wind. Ever. I'll take frigidly cold over warm and windy any time.

The "drown proofing". That sounds like something my husband describes from his army ranger days, training with some navy seals. He said it was grueling, and I don't think his arms and feet were tied either.

Unknown said...

You should tie up your hands and feet by the side of the pool, then sort of flop down on the ground and sort of roll into the pool, like a walrus entering the water. Maybe get someone to help, though.

Dang, swimming was fun when we used to go regularly...I especially liked the hypoxic workouts...and the underwater swimming.

Ben said...

"You should tie up your hands and feet by the side of the pool, then sort of flop down on the ground and sort of roll into the pool, like a walrus entering the water."

Saliva literally shot out of my mouth when I read this because I laughed so hard. I know it's gross, but it was just too funny.