Monday, October 27, 2008


Nice and easy 5 miler today. Started Week 1 of Charles's 100 mile plan.
Left from the band hall a little after 11 and went about a mile past the Missing Man on Hickam.
Felt pretty good, quads and calves a bit tight.

Last half mile, did three long strides. Felt awesome! On the 3rd one, I got up on my toes and was going so fast that if I raised the flaps, I could have taken off.

Taking a break from PT today.


Unknown said...

Nice...the 5 milers are good...good and easy and they get done fast. Plus it allows you to recover from the weekend long runs...

I don't know if it is exactly "MY PLAN" as you say. It basically is what I would expect Tim Tweitmeyer to do...he does 5 during the week and does long runs every other that's sort of what it is.

Thanks for the pep talk on Friday when I was saying that I didn't know if I could do the 100. Fuck that shit, yes I can...yes WE can! Fuck!

Anton said...

Fuck yeah

Ben said...

do it. raise those flaps.

take off!