Friday, October 31, 2008


'Twas a good day in Hawaii, sun shining, birds chirping.
I rode to the band hall at a steady pace to warm up the body.
I arrived at 6:26am, ran around a bit, went through my whole stretching routine, then went inside to put on the PT uniform and have a crap.

At 7:00am, we did warm ups as a group, which was stupid. I refused to participate in most of them.

Then we began the PT portion. Neff, the guitarist and unit leader in the rock band (who's also one of my trainee's), asked to be my partner. I responded with a high five.
He wanted to go first, so I obliged. We started with situps. He just turned 30, and did 89. Good for him! I went next, and was surprised to find how much easier it is to have someone hold your feet, and to keep the angle of my knees closer to 90, rather than spread out more. I did well.

Then he did pushups, and did well again. 82. He was disappointed (maybe because he felt like he needed to compete with me), but I gave him some congratulations and tips for next time. He wanted to pace himself as in situps, but I countered, saying it's better to crank out as many pushups as fast as you can, then do small sets of 3-5 until times up. I went next, and did well.

Next came the run. I gave everyone high fives before the start to hopefully encourage, or maybe transfer some speed. I think it worked because many of them came up to me afterward and said they'd improved by a minute or so. That's awesome! One guy reasoned that the overall pace was faster since I took off like a bat out of hell. Usually, the lead time is in the 10 minute range, and so they base their pace off of positioning. Since I went faster, everyone else did too. Good for them! I did okay. The first half of the 1.5 miler, I was quite ahead of schedule, so I slowed down a bit. Plus, I kind of felt nauseous as I didn't eat anything for breakfast. No food in the room. :-(
Anyway, I crossed the line right at my slowest goal pace. Crazy!

So, the morning scores were like this, with goals for perfect score following:
Situps: 107 goal: 105
Pushups: 103 goal: 87
Run: 8:30 goal: 8:30

I forgot to do pullups 'cause I was trying to get people to stretch, then gave up and went to Planet Smoothie (like a juice stop) on the Airforce Base with Neff. (Brian Nefferdorf is his name). It was good. I enjoyed it very much.

So, all in all, it was a pretty decent morning. Ran a total of about 2.5 miles.

Happy Halloween


Ben said...

Freakin' sweet post.

Completely impressed and not impressed with those numbers.

Completely impressed because those are some outstanding numbers. Even better since you past your goals. YES!

Also, unimpressed because you're Anton. The Beast, and I know that Anton is going to rock the house no matter the occasion.

Congrats! Internet high-five! I also enjoyed how you responded to Neff with a high-five instead of saying "yes." That's just something cool that Anton would do.

Again, excellent job!

Anton said...

Thanks man! I could feel your and Charles's support. Each pushup and situp was for you guys. That made it easier.

Unknown said...

Again, nice job! I am sure that your positive energy really helped everyone out...

Positive...that's they way it should be.

Next time you should see how fast you can do the run...get down under 8 or something...then under 7:30...

Anton said...

It happens every 6 months. By then, I should be in good enough shape to break 7:30. It's going to happen.