Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rain Rain Stay Today

It's been raining a lot. Cool for us, since Pearl Harbor doesn't get much of the rain during the year.
However, the windward side and north shore have been pounded. There's flooding and stuff. We've gotten a lot, but it's more pooling than flooding. It's nice though. I like rain. It makes me feel pure. I went to the movies today. Had to buy some new clothes so I wouldn't chill in my soaked clothes.

PT tonight:
4x50 Super situps and pushups
2x50 neck ea
2x100 Fire haulers

The SU and PU were easy enough. I was kind of nauseas though so soon after eating dinner. A good salmon sandwich with a salad.
The neck was okay...the sideways ones kind of hurt today. A lot of weakness leaving. Fire haulers were good. The last 20 burned on each set, but that's fine.

200 Super situps
200 pushups
100 neck ea
200 fire haulers

I just had a thought. We have weakness leaving our bodies each time we put forth effort and impose strain on our bodies. Is there ever a point where all the weakness is gone? Would that be synonymous with enlightenment? Sages and masters seek to transcend beyond mind and body to become spirit through tremendous physical and metal trials. In our endeavors to cope with the physical and mental strain of our exercising, will we be able to constantly increase the difficulty, to reach the top of the pyramid? And if so, what happens then? Can we go beyond? Or does something break? And at this breaking point, have we then reached the ultimate point of freedom to let go of all that binds us and accept enlightenment?


Ben said...

Very thoughtful post. Deep.
Those are all excellent questions.

I think that we have already started pushing through our mental blocks. For example, when we start out with sets of 50 the first 10 are easy and then it gets more difficult. However, when we increase our stamina we start to do sets of 100 and then the first 25 seem easy. It's about our mental approach. If we know our limit is near 100 then we will feel weaker and weaker towards that number. That is why when we approach a workout we should perceive it as bigger than it really is.

Word: nootze
Def: to interfere in others affairs
Sentence: Dude, get your nose out of our affairs. You're being a nootze.

Unknown said...

That is a lot of neck. Your neck will be stable, that is for sure. For sure.

There are two types of weakness: physical and mental. There will always be physical weakness. But it can be countered by mental strength.