Monday, November 17, 2008

Back at it

After almost a week off, I felt lazy, so I woke up, did my regular morning routine (takes about 10-15 minutes), then jumped right into PT. The crutches have been working my arms and hands a bit, but I don't count it as PT. It's just an added activity of daily living.

Anyway, here's the morning exercises:
10 Supersets (10 reps of PU and SU)
100 4-count flutterkicks
2x20 neck x 2: 40 total each direction
2x50 Fire haulers

Everything felt pretty good. Triceps started burning during set 5 of the Supers, but I told them to stop being so combustible. The flutters were easy, the neck felt weird, and the Fire haulers were awesome.

It's amazing how much one takes for granted, only realizing the importance when it's gone. I didn't realize how natural being extremely active was for me (running, jumping, skipping, swimming, PTing, hiking, biking, dancing, etc.) until I couldn't do any of it due to my ankle. It absolutely sucks! It's slowly getting better, the swelling is almost non-existent, I can hobble around slowly without crutches, but it still feels weak and sometimes painful. I miss running almost as much as I'd miss breathing. When I can handle it again, I'll approach with a renewed strength and awe, and will make sure nothing else can jeopardize it so easily.

Watch out ya'll, I'm comin' back!


Ben said...

That's great that you have a re-energized appreciation for activity.

Impressive work with the flutter kicks. Those are hard for me. To do four set of 100 is very impressive.

Also, way to tell those arms who's boss!

Am glad you're feeling better.

Word: suphri

Meaning: to accidentally place an article of clothing onto another person.

Example: Dialogue between Jim, Pete, and Wendy.

Jim: Damn it Pete. Where's my hat?
Pete: Oh no man, I really don't know. I might have suphried it.
Jim: Well, carp doggles Pete.
Wendy enters the room.
Wendy: Jim! Hey Jim! Is this your hat? Pete accidentally suphried it on my head.
Jim: You're right Pete. You did suphri my hat on Wendy's head.

Unknown said...

Damn! You can sure pump out those flutter kicks! I could barely manage 2 x 50!

It's weird how all of us are have weaknesses and flutter kicks, those are really hard for me, but I don't even feel the fire in the arm haulers too much. Crazyness, it is!

Anton said...

Ben, you're funny. It's not 4 sets of 100. It's one set of 100 "4-count" flutters. Meaning Count "1" is each leg up and down twice.

The trick is to divide them up like when you're maxing out. I think in groups of ten. To help keep track with counting yourself, go "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" Then start over at one and go like this: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,20"

That way, you're just assigning random numbers instead of actually counting. You can try this at home!