Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This weekend I had some troubles with the Jeep. Overheating, not quite, but red-zoning. Machines are weak. It's good to be self-reliant through fitness. Even though I couldn't drive home, or to pick it up, I can still run and bike like it's nobody's business. That said, "F U Jeep!"

It's probably just a weak hose connecting the radiator and engine.

Running has been okay, but riding the bike again has brought soreness. It's just too small for me. PT has been good too. Did some random stuff over the weekend in between gigs, supersets on Saturday followed by some weak-ass pullups. Did a bunch of bridges on Monday, and yesterday I completed the massive situp workout with another band guy who used to be in the army, so he can actually handle "real" PT. If you don't know this workout, you should try it:
40 x regular situps
40 x regular crunches
40 x reverse crunches
40 x right obliques
40 x left obliques
40 x leg levers
50 x 4-count flutter kicks
40 x half situps
stretch 1 minute, repeat

Total of 660
Feels good.

Today, I led command PT again. I let Chief lead dynamic warmups (a bunch of random, almost wanna be calesthenics, but not really), then explained how to do pyramids. We left out pullups, but did 1-10-1 pushups, x2 situps. Most of them did really well! This is living proof that most of it's mental. Whenever I say "We're gonna do 100 pushups in sets of 10," they freak! But, all I said was to work from 1 to 10 and back, and they all did it for the most part! Good for them. Again, proof that PT is mental.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Excellent work.

Anton, I enjoy reading your blogs. It quite common that your remarks leave me with a boost of confidence.

Way to lead the troops. Good work.
Keep posting.
