Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Today was pre-meet. I had planned on running 5 miles, but the VOG was so bad, I cut the run to 3. VOG is volcanic fog, really hazy, supposedly bad for your health, and it was irritating my throat and nose after about 1 mile.

I still felt good though, so I guess that's the most important thing. Tossed in 3 strides in the last mile...those fell awesome!

After the run, I did 5x20 pushups and situps in prepartation for tomorrow's competition. Again, my goals are as follows:
Pushups: 87 (that's the perfect score for my age...I might do more if I feel like it, but won't get bonus points or anything.
Situps: 105 (again...the perfect score for my age)
Run: 8:30 (perfect score for my age, I'll try for faster)

For the heck of it, I'll throw in some pullups after the test. Aiming for...uh, how about 15?


Unknown said...

I am on the phone with you right now...

Good luck tomorrow! Just get out there and do your thing...smoke that s***.

And for pullups, do 17 or so. Just do it.

Ben said...

Kick ass!

Fuck ass!