Friday, January 23, 2009


The lunchtime workout group is growing! One member joined Wednesday, another today, and another is interested for Monday! That makes five of us! Cool!

Today, we ran the same 3+ mile route on Hickam. I need to GPS it so I can give accurate results.
The shins starting hurting a bit, verifying my theory that running slow makes them hurt since the body tends to bounce up and down more so than striding out. So I picked up the pace of the group.

Afterward, we did another pyramid. Just a small one since it was Karl's first time working out with me and I didn't want to kill him.

1-5-1 Pullups
3-15-3 Pushups (by 3s)
6-30-6 situps (by 6s)

25 Pullups
75 Pushups
150 Situps

I didn't really feel much, so I did 15, 10, 5 dips. Those still suck.
I think I'll PT again tomorrow, something crazy.

I'm proud of these guys wanting to go the extra step for no other reason than to better themselves. Rock.


Ben said...

You are the source. You are their inspiration. Excellent work.
Way to make change. You make things happen.

200 bonus points!

Unknown said...

Glad to see the group is growing. Grow! Grow!