Friday, January 30, 2009

Another one!

Today at lunch, another guy joined us. That makes 5!
Bryan hurt his shoulder surfing yesterday, so he didn't work out with us today.

Ed Williams, my drummer in the rock band is the new addition. Strong as an ox with weights, he wants to get better at all the other stuff too. He squated like 380lbs yesterday, then ran and did PT today. Good guy.

For the run, we only went three miles. The middle mile, we ran 2:00 on, 2:00 off. Twice.
Felt good to pick it up. (On a tangent, I'll be racing again for the first time since college next week! There's a 10k on base, and then The Great Aloha run, an 8-miler a few weeks later.)

PT: Pyramids again. I kept Karl and Taylor on the same one as last week. Ed started on this one too. They all did very well. Taylor's abs are recovering well, Karl is showing great improvement in pushups, and the pullups are coming along nicely, Ed dominates arms and is pretty solid for abs too.
They did 1-5-1 pullups, x3 pushups, x6 situps.

I doubled that. It sucked. I haven't done that many pullups in a long time. I went 2,4,5,8,10, and back down. Going up was fine. But at 10, I had to drop at 8, jump up and do two more. Then coming down, I could only do four at a time. Damn. I need to do that more.
Pushups and situps were fine. 6,12,18,24,30 and 12,24,36,48,60 and back down respectively.

We all were seeing stars from the effort, I got a bit of a headache, and Taylor felt a little dizzy.
Good times!

Then, even though my arms were dead, Taylor convinced me to do dips. So I did. Those were fun. I felt my triceps straining on the first set of 15, then my chest on the 2nd set of 10, and finally my back on the 3rd set of 5. Good pain! Lots of weakness leaving. The other three did 10, 7, 5 or something.

All in all, a good day again.

My Totals:
Run: 3
Pullups: 50
Pushups: 150
Situps: 300
Dips: 30

Take It Easy/Pilot!

Do you know the Eagle's tune entitled "Take it Easy?"
Good song.

That was the motto of today's command PT. The last two weeks I've pushed most of them past their limits, so today I only did 10x10 Pushups and Situps in quick succession. They all did pretty well. Finished with 1 minute plank.

100 Pushups
100 Situps
1 minute plank


Yesterday I had my eyes checked again. And guess what?

I QUALIFY FOR NAVAL AVIATOR! I can be a pilot! I was disqualified 18 months ago because my left eye was above the requirement for 20/40 or better vision. 20/45. Quite a let down.
But my sight has improved! Thus, I can put in another application packet and hope to be accepted again. I'll then go to OCS for 3 months, all the flight training, then go play in the Heavens!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ran 3 miles at lunch today. Taylor and Karl were on a gig, so it was just Bryan and I. His left knee was been hurting at the attachment point for the ITB. Probably Iliotibial Band Syndrome from running more than he's used to. For a few days, I'm his therapist instead of trainer. Ice, stretch, friction massage, foam roller...the works. He'll be okay next week.

Still did PT though.
We both didn't feel like doing much, and we have command PT tomorrow, so we just did 50 pushups, then 10, 6.5, 5.5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 pullups. Felt good!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Hiked yesterday with Karl. Okay trail, nothing too special. Nice to be out in the woods though.

Today over lunch, Karl, Taylor, Bryan and I ran the 3+ mile loop. I'll GPS it on Wednesday to find the actual distance. The first mile, we warmed up by running Karl's easy pace. Then, we picked it up for a mile. A short tempo. They all want to improve their running performance, so I'm training them. Bryan did awesome! He stuck with me the whole time, running about 7:30s. Taylor did his best to keep up, and turned around once and awhile to encourage Karl. Great attitude! He's a phenomenol asset to have in the workout crew, and a good human being too.
After the tempo, we cooled down for a little over a mile, then did PT.

The 11 various push up workout. 1x10 of 11 different kinds. Explosive, explosive stagger, divebombers, hand tap, side tap, rotational, alligator, elevated, shuffle. Actually, we only did 9. Shoot. I forgot about the spidermans. And the one-arms.
They all did pretty well, and gave it their all. That's the most important part. My triceps and anterior deltoids burned a bit, but not too bad. Inbetween the pushups, I did 20 atomic situps. except the last two. So, that' sets of 20?
My arms were burning, but weren't tired, so I decided to do some pullups. Bryan jumped in too. Our goal was 10. It was easier than I thought. Bryan did 9.5. Still, he kicked ass.

Tonight, we played at the admiral's again. It's always fun to sing for him because he gets such joy out of it. Plus, he's kind of like my adopted grandpa. Cool cat.

The best quote I heard today, exhibiting Taylor's attitude. I congratulated him on keeping up. He said, "No, I didn't. I won't be keeping up, until I actually keep up." Meaning his goal is to match me rep for rep, stride for stride. I jokingly said, "Well, tell me when to slow down." Here comes his quote:


Taylor is MVP for the week.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The lunchtime workout group is growing! One member joined Wednesday, another today, and another is interested for Monday! That makes five of us! Cool!

Today, we ran the same 3+ mile route on Hickam. I need to GPS it so I can give accurate results.
The shins starting hurting a bit, verifying my theory that running slow makes them hurt since the body tends to bounce up and down more so than striding out. So I picked up the pace of the group.

Afterward, we did another pyramid. Just a small one since it was Karl's first time working out with me and I didn't want to kill him.

1-5-1 Pullups
3-15-3 Pushups (by 3s)
6-30-6 situps (by 6s)

25 Pullups
75 Pushups
150 Situps

I didn't really feel much, so I did 15, 10, 5 dips. Those still suck.
I think I'll PT again tomorrow, something crazy.

I'm proud of these guys wanting to go the extra step for no other reason than to better themselves. Rock.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blisters, Pride

Monday night, a few of the guys went out to a cabin at Bellow's Beach (military only, run by the Air Force) and spent the night. Fun times, and the beach is gorgeous. In the morning, I ran about 2 miles on the beach, barefoot. It was magical.
Except for the blisters. Due to the repetitive friction with the sand, my two big toes both got blisters. No worries. They'll go away.
Then we played mini-golf. I won. ;-)

Today, we had command PT. As one of the CFL's (command fitness leaders), Chief Strickler and I share the responsibilities of the running/PT group. (There are 3 groups: swimmers, gym/elliptical/treadmill/bike machine, and us).
Since it's a new year, I'm trying to get everyone in our group to reach the best shape of their lives. It's kind of hard since we only meet once a week, but hopefully some inspiration occurs and they do similar stuff on their own. Since they're musicians, a lot of them complain and bitch about it being too hard. Pussies. There are a few, though, who really enjoy the workouts/pain and want more! That's encouraging.

Here's what we did last week: 3 sets of 15 flutters/good mornings/scissors
Not that hard. That's only 45 of each, or 135 ab/hip flexor reps. A few loved it. Most put on a dress and had a tea party to complain.

This week, I asked how the recovery was going (*smirk), and then explained the day's plan. Alternating pushups with arm circles.
The first set, I did 10 4-count (or 20) pushups, alternating with 15 4-count (or 60) arm circles of various positions (arms out to the sides, out front, and over head).
Most of them were dead after that, so I cut back to 10 pushups, but kept the arm circles.
I may sound skeptical and arrogant, but only because I enjoy "beating" the band physically. As some of you may know, many musicians think the world revolves around them and that they are Gods at their instrument. This spills into other facets of their life as well. I just like to keep them in check. ;-)
Just kidding; I'm really proud of everyone (even the complainers) for not giving up. Even though the arms would fail, they'd break for a bit, and get back into it. That's the whole idea. I learned that in SEALs conditioning. They said, "You're going to be bad at it. We expect you to be bad at it. We know your bodies can't handle it. The main thing is to keep going."
When you fail, or when your body fails, take a short break to recover, then keep going. That's an awesome principle for life!
Now if only the band will take the words of Dick Marcinko, creator of SEAL Team 6 and Red Cell, "You don't have to like it. You just have to do it."

Anyway, they did well.
Totals: 90 pushups, 360 arms circles


At noon, Bryan and I ran and did PT again. He's the one I mentioned before as a workout partner. The heart of a Lion. He's teaching me to surf. Good guy. That's besides the point. Every MWF we're going to run, then workout. Today, Taylor, bad ass french horn player and connoisseur of wine/scotch/rum/beer, wanted to tag along to get in better shape. He's already decent for 40, but I guess since his dad used to be a sweet marathoner (2:30s and below), he wants to improve.

We ran somewhere between 3 and 4 miles on Hickam. Nice route. Palm trees. Nice.

Then, I told them I had THE BEAR planned for us. I decided to give a name to the crazy ab workout that Charles and I love so much. Their eyes kind of faltered, but they nutted up and dove right in. They both struggled quite a bit, but never quit for more than a few seconds. Bryan's been doing some of the crazy stuff with me, so he's used to just gritting his teeth and pushing through. Taylor was new to it, but hung in with all his might. Quite the Tiger! It hurt for me as usual, but it's getting easier to accept the pain, rather than ignore it, and just go with it. I felt bad later because Taylor's mid-section was cramping and he had difficulty playing his horn, but he still gave it his all. Good guy. I was super proud of these two! They haven't read or heard of Marcinko, but they already live by his principles.

40 situps
40 reg crunches
40 reverse crunches
40 right crunches
40 left crunches
40 leg levers
50 4-count flutter kicks
40 half situps
stretch 1 minute
do it again

Totals: 660 abs

"You don't have to like it. You just have to do it!"

Monday, January 19, 2009


It's Martin Luther King Day! For Hawaii, that means another parade. Only this time, it was weird. Usually the parades feature the Hawaiian Royalty, high schools, the armed forces, etc. This time, it was more like a liberal march. One of my Chiefs was telling me that last year it was almost inappropriate for the Navy Band to be involved. They marched because they were ordered to, but there were floats calling for the impeachment of Bush, wagons supporting GLBT groups, and just a whole bunch of other things that aren't affiliated with the military. Accordingly, they usually hate us.
Anyway, this year wasn't too bad, but it still had a weird feel to it, like no one belonged there. They still had GBLT stuff, but there were some inspirational floats that out numbered them. The best part: representatives of the Hawaiian Republican Party marched behind the band, cheering and hollering the whole time. They were awesome! It was heart warming to see them amongst all the other crap. And their composure was something to behold: at the start, there was a pitiful obese woman with a rainbow group who was screaming O-BA-MA in their faces. They didn't even dignify her with a response! And throughout the parade there were some chastising locals here and there, and again, the Republicans held to their standard of only responding to those with an IQ above 14.

Ran 5 miles yesterday. Felt pretty good. The shins didn't hurt as bad as they have been, so that made it much more enjoyable. Last week I could understand why people hate running. I was miserable. The Hawaii winter is awesome...60s and 70s. Very nice! Pretty even splits: 7:24, 7:40, 7:46, 7:36, 8:14. Finished up with 100 super situps.

Hope ya'll have a good week!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Rode bike to work...rained this morning, so I got a bit of sprinkle from the sky, but a shower from the road. All my stuff was wet when I arrived. Oh well.

Worked out with Bryan again today. Ran 3 miles. The shins have been killing me! I've never had much shin pain before, so it's a new obstacle. I'm not sure if it's because I'm out of shape, or maybe they're adjusting to the holiday pounds I've added. Hopefully they'll get over it.

Afterward, we did 10 super sets of 10s. Holy shit that was hard! I did the exact same thing last week and was fine, but today my arms failed many times. We both kept going though, and I was proud of Bryan for pushing through and not giving up. He's a bit less fitness-wise, but has the heart of a lion! Awesome partner as the inspiration works both ways.

Maybe by the time Charles comes in March, we'll both be able to go rep for rep with you!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Long Absence

Hey ya'll

Sorry for the long absence from posting. I was pretty much a lazy potato over the holidays, so I didn't have much to write and didn't feel like posting the little things.

I did PT and ran off and on, and am starting to get back into a regular routine. For example, after hiking last Wed, I ran 4 miles on Thursday. Uphill the entire 1st two miles. Sucked. Good though. Went surfing Saturday, then ran a mile in the sand. Yesterday, ran 4 miles with Bryan (surfing buddy), and did some PT. We're gonna keep working out together to make sure we're motivated.
We did an easy pyramid to start with: 1-5-1 pullups, x3 Pushups, x6 situps. Felt really good. Then did 15, 10, 5 dips. Those hurt. Last week I did some PT too. Supersets, flutters, haulers, etc.

Biking a lot to work and around. At least 10 miles a day.

Other things: had my 2nd screening for the eye surgery and was disqualified because my vision is too good. So, hopefully I'm not in a weird pocket between having too good of eyes for surgery, but too bad for pilot. Maybe my sight has improved or something. I'm trying to get a hold of the flight surgeon to ask what my options are at this juncture. Let's hope I can still apply!